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The theatre, which name similar to Mediterranean plant, and which can be decode as “art and shock”, is the first independent project in Kazakhstan. The history of the theatre “ARTiSHOCK” began in 2001, and just for a couple of years it was known in Kazakhstan as the most extravagant and shocking.
The basis of theatre was pantomime, body plasticity, street plays with interactive elements and constant virtuosic improvisation. Thanks to these features the theatre could find its spectator not only in Kazakhstan but in many countries of Europe and Asia. The number of contests, won by the group of theatre, was growing and the theatre gradually has grown to the entire theatrical company, which realizes various projects in cultural life of Almaty.
One of the most impressive projects of the theatre was the play “BACK IN USSR”, which brought to the collective Grand prizes of many contests and festivals all over the world. constant projects for the theatre became such projects as “Theatrical improvisation” “ARTiSHOCK-session”, which wipe off the boundaries between actor and spectator. From year to year the activity of theatre on streets of Southern Capital grows and some projects can be seen in the form of absurd advertisement, sudden short performances and etc.
Perhaps this is the most peculiar theatrical project in Almaty. And actor troupe constantly uses improvisation, so that one and the same play appears before spectator absolutely in different way. Similar projects exist in Europe, but in Central Asia it is almost the only theatre of improvisation. It is impossible to pass this theatre by.